The CONSCIOUS MIND is responsible for awareness of the present moment. It communicates to the outside world and inner self through speech, pictures, writing, physical movement, and thought. It can be compared to a monitor on a computer.
The SUBCONSIOUS MIND is in charge of recent memories and is in continuous contact with the resources of the Unconscious mind. Information is accessible once attention is placed on it. The subconscious mind acts like the RAM on your computer where current programs (thoughts, patterns, habits, feelings) are kept for easy access for recall.
The UNCONSCIOUS MIND is the storehouse of all memories and experiences that may, or may not have been remembered but form our beliefs, habits, and behaviours. The Unconscious mind acts like the hard disk drive in your computer as it stores all experiences as programs since birth. It is the also the drive that operates automatic bodily functions such as breathing and pumping of the heart. The Unconscious mind makes sense of the data yours receive from the world and helps you get through situations by the same means as you did before.